James Likoudis

Spring 1992

President of Catholics United for Faith Defends Alice Grayson’s position to Cardinal Law.

May 9, 1992

Cardinal Bernard Law
2121 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02135

Dear Cardinal Law:

Mrs. Grayson is correct when she asserts that the Magisterium of the Church opposes the teaching of “explicit sexual matters in an open, public group setting or as part of formal classroom instruction, apart from the family, either as a separate curriculum or as an integrated part of a legitimate course of study at the elementary and/or secondary level.”*

In obedience to the Magisterium, formalized programs of this nature should be removed from the Catholic schools. Furthermore, Catholic parents should be warned to not allow their children to attend such courses in the public or independent schools because of spiritual danger.

Any moral catechesis in matters related to human sexuality should proceed from an understanding of human sexuality based on Dr. von Hildebrand’s definition of purity, which is, “Purity is that virtue which keeps the sexual secret hidden as a dominion whose disposition lies in the hand of God.”**


James Likoudis, President
Catholics United for The Faith.

* Definition of “sex education” taken from National Coalition of Clergy and Laity.
** von Hildebrand, D. (1970). “Purity, Part III, Ch. II. Franciscan University Press: Steubenville, OH.

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