Even the so called chastity programs in Catholic schools and in CCD programs, called by many names, including the recent “safe environment” programs implemented by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), are all varieties of sex ed.

Veil of Innocence discusses the issues regarding classroom sex education and provides critiques of many programs. It offers practical help for parents, and gathers parents, teachers and religious alike to work together to stop the programs both locally and internationally. Veil discusses the problems in Catholic Church administration as it affects classroom sex education.

The site is designed with tutorials which quickly teach you the essentials (where you are right now!), as well as portals which can supply you with hours of reading. Some of the pages are available in audio, for download on your computer, iPad/iPhone/iTouch, or phone. In addition, this site provides a wonderful collection of lectures relating to purity. These too are available for download. A modest donation is requested. Welcome, then, to Veil of Innocence. Come back often.

Alice Ann Grayson

A compendium of ways you can explore Veil Of Innocence based on time and need.