I submitted an alternative suggestion to Cardinal…and informed Monsignor Murphy.
January 24, 1992
I suggested that sex education in the classroom be stopped, and an archdiocesan course for parents substituted. This course would present the family encyclicals and the sacrament of marriage. It would restore the reverence, mystery and reserve necessary when approaching the sexual sphere.
Cardinal Bernard Law
2121 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02135
Dear Cardinal Law:
Over the weekend I had an idea. All of the Archdiocesan guidelines on sexuality, and the people in charge of sex-ed programs as well, speak of the parents’ prime responsibility to educate their own children. Frequently, they go on to say that the parents don’t know how, and that the parents don’t.
Why not couple trashing the bad sex-ed programs with a new announced intention of the Archdiocese to institute workshops and an audio tape series for parents? It would be a marvelous opportunity to teach the true meaning of chastity and lecture on key Church documents such as Casti cannubi, Humanae Vitae, Illius Divini Magistri, Vatican II, and the like. The teaching could focus on the sacredness of marriage and, at the same time, offer practical wisdom gleaned from experts such as Melvin Anchell or Janet Smith or Alice von Hildebrand. This could be a tool of evangelization, and the whole project could be consecrated to Mary, our Mother Most Pure.
By assisting parents in formation of their own children, you could claim a “sex education program” (really, properly called spiritual formation) and disclaim sex initiation. You would have control of the process. You can hand pick people who strictly conform to Church teaching to develop the program. Tapes would guarantee uniformity of delivery. Your parish priests, who are ultimately responsible to you, could lead parent discussion groups. In addition, you follow the theme of ministry to families outlined by the U.S. bishops.
But most especially, you recognize the sacred vocation of marriage. Parents, who received the sacrament of marriage, contracted with God and He with them, that he would help them in all that pertains to the upbringing of their own children. John Paul II gives us this assurance: “You will receive in prayer everything you need to be the parents God wants you to be.”
Even Msgr. Bill Murphy’s letter spoke of possibility of improvement. Isn’t parent education and evangelization just such an improvement?
Certainly I have given you lots to think and pray about. Rely on Mary, Christ’s precious gift to us and on your own dear Mother for inspiration on this delicate subject. On Friday, I forgot to say that I ask God to comfort you in your loss. Your mother was a grand lady, and I know she watches over you from heaven.
Alice A. Grayson
Table of Contents
- Oxymoron Introduction: Crocodile Tears – Are the Bishops Really Sorry
- Summary of Church Teachings in Oxymoron
- Oxymoron Critiques Submitted to Cardinal Law
- The Complete Letters of Alice Grayson to Cardinal Law
- First Review by Alice Grayson to Cardinal Law
- July 1989 – Cardinal Gagnon calls the “New Creation Series” morally offensive.
- August 1989 – I Request Help from Cardinal Ratzinger
- Fall 1990 – Asking for Help Again
- 1988 – My review of “Understanding of Sex and Sexuality” by Alice A. Grayson
- February 1991 – Address to the Belmont School Committee
- Winter 1990 – Spring 1991, Critique of Sex Education Guidelines
- June 24, 1991 – Comprehensive Letter to Cardinal Law
- Spring 1991 – Letters to Rome, Copies to Cardinal Law
- July 12, 1991 – Cardinal Law replies to my letter of June 24th and promises action.
- August 12, 1991 – Cardinal Law’s action
- September 11, 1991 – I felt betrayed by Monsignor Murphy
- December 6, 1991 – Monsignor Murphy washes his hands.
- January 1992 – The buck stops here!
- January 24, 1992 – I submitted an alternative suggestion to Cardinal
- January 30, 1992 – More Baloney
- February 4, 1992 – Cardinal Law must have felt uneasy.
- Spring 1992 – An abbreviated Answer
- Spring 1992 – The mysterious letter of Bishop Riley
- Spring 1992 – James Likoudis
- February 1993 – Catholic Classroom Sex Education is an Oxymoron
- March 9, 1993 – The Archdioscean Newspaper
- April 7, 1992 – My second letter to The Pilot
- April 7, 1993 – No! No! No!
- September 2, 1993 – Cardinal Law’s Action in Resolving Oxymoron
- September 27, 1993 – Murphy
- March 8, 1994 – Cardinal Law’s Reply to Oxymoron
- May 4, 1994 – My Challenge to Cardinal Law
- May 4, 1994 – An analysis of Cardinal Law’s Response
- May 4, 1994 – Complaint to Pope John Paul II.
- August 1994 – Dr. Gerald Benitz writes to Cardinal Law
- August 24, 1994 – Msgr. William Murphy, Vicar General of the Boston Archdiocese
- February 23, 1995 – Observation of the persistence in sex education
- March 14, 1995 – Monsignor Murphy asks me to quit writing the Archdiocese
- April 4, 1995 – I quit writing the Archdiocese
- 1998 – The last communication with Cardinal Law
- June 27, 2004 – The current battle for the children