Observation of the persistence in sex education inspired yet another letter to Cardinal Law

February 23, 1995

The letter accused  Cardinal Law of linking his sex education philosophy, and Catholic monies, in a collaborative  effort with pro abortion politicians.

Alice A. Grayson
1705 Emerson Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55403

February 23, 1995

Dear Cardinal Law,

Fr. Richard Malone has expressed to me that he disagrees with the central thesis of my letter, Catholic Classroom Sex Education is an Oxymoron. He endorses the so called “chastity” programs, and does not recognize that these are contrary to the Magisterium.

I next discovered through the Pro-Life Office’s newsletter that you have committed $5000.00 to a “chastity program, which employs trite, everyday slogans, wallet cards, posters, and rallies. “True Love Waits” is based on inferior natural goals of “pledging” rather than the supernatural need for prayer, grace, and the sacraments.

In addition I have read in the Globe on Tuesday, February 15th, that you, and pro- abortion Governor Weld agree with pro- abortion Henry Foster on the promotion of “abstainence” education based on a platform of self esteem.

Since our meeting, you have made it absolutely clear to me that you support classroom sex education programs for youth, which of course is contrary to Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the constant teaching authority of the church.

You present to me only one avenue of process. I will do all that I can to protect our innocent children and teach the truth to their parents and grandparents. I pray that I can be of service to Our Lord and honor his mother, Our Lady Most Pure. Always, always, I pray for you.


Alice Ann

Complete Books about Sex Education

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