Familiaris Consortia

Apostolic Exhortation – Familiaris Consortio

Image of Pope John Paul

Regarding the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World of His Holiness Pope John Paul II

To: The Episcopate, to the Clergy and the Faithful of the Whole Catholic Church


1. The Church at the Service of the Family
2. The Synod of 1980 in Continuity with Preceding Synods
3. The Precious value of Marriage and of the Family

Part One – Bright Spots and Shadows for the Family Today

4. The Need to Understand the Situation
5. Evangelical Discernment
6. The Situation of the Family in the World Today
7. The Influence of Circumstances on the Consciences of the Faithful
8. Our Age Needs Wisdom
9. Gradualness and Conversion
10. Inculturation

Click HERE to read Introduction & Part One.

Part Two – The Plan of God for Marriage and the Family

11. Man, the Image of the God Who Is Love
12. Marriage and the Communion Between God and People
13. Jesus Christ, Bridegroom of the Church and the Sacrament of Matrimony
14. Children, the Precious Gift of Marriage
15. The Family, a Community of Persons
16. Marriage and Virginity and Celibacy

Click HERE to read Part Two.

Part Three – The Role of the Christian Family

17. Family, Become What Your Are
I – Forming A Community of Persons
18. Love As the Principle and Power of Communion
19. The Indivisible Unity of Conjugal Communion
20. An Indissoluble Communion
21. The Broader Communion of the Family
22. The Rights and Role of Women
23. Women and Society
24. Offenses Against Women’s Dignity
25. Men as Husbands and Fathers
26. The Rights of Children
27. The Elderly In the Family

II – Serving Life

1) The Transmission of Life
28. Cooperators in Love of God The Creator
29. The Church’s Teaching and Norm, Always Old Yet Always
30. The Church Stands for Life
31. That God’s Design May Be Ever More Completely Fulfilled
32. In an Integral Vision of the Human Person and His or Her Vocation
33. The Church as Teacher and Mother for Couples In Difficulty
34. The Moral Progress of Married People
35. Instilling Conviction and Offering Practical

2) Education

36. The Right and Duty of Parents Regarding Education
37. Educating in the Essential Values of Human Life
38. The Mission to Educate and the Sacrament of Marriage
39. First Experience of the Church
40. Relations With Other Educating Agents
41. Manifold Service to Life

III — Participating in the Development of Society

42. The Family as the First and Vital Cell of Society
43. Family Life as an Experience of Communion and Sharing
44. The Social and Political Role
45. Society at the Service of the Family
46. The Charter of Family Rights
47. The Christian Family’s Grace and Responsibility
48. For a New International Order

IV — Sharing in the Life and Mission of the Church

49. The Family, Within the Mystery of the Church
50. A Specific and Original Ecclesial Role
1) The Christian Family As a Believing and Evangelizing Community
51. Faith as the Discovery and Admiring Awareness of God’s Plan for the Family
52. The Christian Family’s Ministry of Evangelization
53. Ecclesial Service
54. To Preach the Gospel to the Whole Creation

2) The Christian Family As a Community in Dialogue With God

55. The Church’s Sanctuary In the Home
56. Marriage As a Sacrament of Mutual Sanctification and An Act of Worship
57. Marriage and the Eucharist
58. The Sacrament of Conversion and Reconciliation
59. Family Prayer
60. Educators in Prayer
61. Liturgical Prayer and Private Prayer
62. Prayer and Life

3) The Christian Family As a Community at the Service of Man

63. The New Commandment of Love
64. To Discover the Image of God in Each Brother and Sister

Click HERE to read Part Three.

Part Four – Pastoral Care of The Family: Stages, Structure, Agents and Situations

I – Stages of Pastoral Care of the Family
65. The Church Accompanies the Christian Family On It’s Journey Through Life
66. Preparations for Marriage
67. The Celebration
68. Celebration of Marriage and Evangelization of Non-Believing Baptized Persons
69. Pastoral Care After Marriage

II — Structures of Family Pastoral Care

70. The Ecclesial Community and In Particular the Parish
71. The Family
72. Associations of Families for Families

III — Agents of the Pastoral Care of the Family

73. Bishops and Priests
74. Men and Women Religious
75. Lay Specialists
76. Recipients and Agents of Social Communications

IV – Pastoral Care of the Family in Difficult Cases

77. Particular Circumstances
78. Mixed Marriages
79. Pastoral Action in Certain Irregular Situations
80. (a) Trial Marriages
81. (b) De Facto Free Unions
82. (c) Catholics In Civil Marriages
83. (d) Separated or Divorced Persons Who Have Not Remarried
84. (e) Divorced Persons Who Have Remarried
85. Those Without A Family
86. Conclusion

Click HERE to read Part Four and Conclusion.