Read the Ten Minute Timer, and then…
If you can spend an additional ten minutes, read the ten more minutes, and thirty minutes timers for a little more background on what is happening in classroom sex education and its new form, “safe environment programs”.
Do not overlook the About section in the upper menu. Liberal educators know too well, that if one wants to control the future, one starts with the children.
If you have time, be sure to read the introduction story about Alice Grayson’s communications with Cardinal Law of Boston during the eighties and nineties- before the sex scandals made headlines. It appears in the ‘thirty minute’ tutorial, and provides a click at the conclusion to the complete letters sent to Cardinal Law and the Archdiocese of Boston. There it was- way back in the eighties- “Something was rotten in Denmark!”

U. S. Bishops mandating Sex Education & Safe Environment Programs claim they are assisting parents. WRONG! Protection & Education of Children is the fundamental right & duty of parents which cannot be usurped by Bishops…

On March 21, 1931, the Holy Office (now the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) issued a decree that contained a response to a question pertaining to Pope Pius XI’s encyclical, Christian Education of Youth. Question: May…
Cardinal Law’s Replies:
Cardinal Law’s Replies: The End is Veil’s Beginning…
Cardinal Law, Please Get Rid of Classroom Sex-Ed. This article originally appeared in an October-December 1994 publication of Our Lady’s Crusaders for Life. It detailed efforts to remove sex-ed programs from Catholic schools in the Boston Archdiocese….
A compendium of ways you can explore Veil Of Innocence based on time and need.